StyleBuddy - Gurgaon, India
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Haryana, Gurgaon, India
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Company description
StyleBuddy is a personal styling and shopping company in India that helps people discover and enhance their personal style. Their team of personal shoppers and stylists can help with daily wear, weddings, festivals, events, and meetings. StyleBuddy's goal is to make personal styling and shopping affordable and accessible to everyone.
StyleBuddy's services include:
Personal styling: Stylists can help you build a wardrobe that reflects your style and body type, and give you the confidence to put together outfits.
Personal shopping: Stylists can help you transform shopping into a fun experience.
Shopping for special events: Stylists can help you with shopping and styling for events like weddings, festivals, meetings, and parties.
StyleBuddy's services include:
Personal styling: Stylists can help you build a wardrobe that reflects your style and body type, and give you the confidence to put together outfits.
Personal shopping: Stylists can help you transform shopping into a fun experience.
Shopping for special events: Stylists can help you with shopping and styling for events like weddings, festivals, meetings, and parties.
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