Talentmonks Private Limited - Bangalore, India
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Company name
Talentmonks Private Limited
Karnataka, Bangalore, India
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Company description
Talentmonks is a dynamic enterprise that provides a wide array of services related to the recruitment process and software engineering around the world. Our mission is to supply companies with the best options available and to make the recruitment process more efficient in terms of time, quality, and cost. We also strive to develop cutting-edge solutions that can help manage real-life challenges and make complex machine vision objectives achievable. Additionally, we use social media networks to create a Social Media Recruiting Strategy (SMRS) tailored to your organization's needs, allowing you to access the passive candidate pool. Our team consists of search specialists, developers, researchers, and designers who firmly believe that machine learning will be incredibly transformative, enabling people to do things in new ways and making a positive impact on society.
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