Video Service Desk - Karnataka, India
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Video Service Desk
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
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We began our journey in late 2019 with a side project that connected individual fitness trainers and small gyms with their members, managing their body stats and more. As a team of experienced tech professionals, we wanted to help by building a free app. But then the pandemic hit and businesses were forced to close, with trainers and gym owners struggling. We decided to use our tech expertise to help them out, setting up video conferencing capabilities within our app and creating open source platforms. We hosted 4000+ free meetings on our platform during the pandemic.
Now, we are working full-time to make businesses future-proof with remote video solutions that integrate with their websites and apps. Our goal is to help them reach out to more people and make it easier for people to
Now, we are working full-time to make businesses future-proof with remote video solutions that integrate with their websites and apps. Our goal is to help them reach out to more people and make it easier for people to
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reach them. is one effort towards this goal. We hope to do some good and spread some joy along the way.Listed in categories
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