Blockgum Wallet [EVM Multichain Wallet] - Jaipur, India
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Blockgum Wallet [EVM Multichain Wallet]
Rajasthan, Jaipur, India
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Company description
EVM stands for Ethereum Virtual Machine and is the basis for many popular cryptocurrencies such as ETH, BNB, MATIC, and FTM, as well as a number of other networks. These networks make use of smart contracts like ERC20, ERC721, and ERC1155. ERC stands for Ethereum Request for Comment and ERC20 tokens have become increasingly popular and useful in the cryptocurrency space, with many thousands of tokens now in existence. ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) and IEOs (Initial Exchange Offerings) also often make use of tokens in their systems.
Most exchanges nowadays support EVM wallets and their associated tokens, and developers usually make use of either the Go Ethereum Client (GETH) or Moral Wallet+ APIs (and similar solutions such as Infura and Etherscan). However, both of these have their
Blockgum is a hybrid solution that can address both of these issues. It is a server app that contains an Ethereum mobile client, allowing for full management of the accounts. Blockgum supports multiple chains and HDWallet, meaning it can generate billions of addresses with just one master public and private key, meaning no need to maintain multiple private keys. It also supports major EVM APIs and its own set
Most exchanges nowadays support EVM wallets and their associated tokens, and developers usually make use of either the Go Ethereum Client (GETH) or Moral Wallet+ APIs (and similar solutions such as Infura and Etherscan). However, both of these have their
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drawbacks. GETH is not secure by nature and can only support one chain, while Moral wallet+ cannot generate accounts or sign transactions and does not have any private app running on a server.Blockgum is a hybrid solution that can address both of these issues. It is a server app that contains an Ethereum mobile client, allowing for full management of the accounts. Blockgum supports multiple chains and HDWallet, meaning it can generate billions of addresses with just one master public and private key, meaning no need to maintain multiple private keys. It also supports major EVM APIs and its own set
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