OX Agry - Dindigul, India
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Company name
OX Agry
99 & 105, First Floor, Dindigul Road, India
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Company description
OX Agry was founded in January 2022 with a vision to build a digital platform using the latest software technologies for the agriculture industry.
We identify the needs of an individual farmers & various problems in the agricultural industry and implement the integrated solution using the latest software technologies and makes the agri industry as an organized sector.
Our digital platform can be accessed via various channels including the mobile & web apps, contact centers and call centers. So even uneducated farmers also get access to our software platform easily. An accurate GPS tracking and fencing system is going to be implemented in our platform. History of transactions will be maintained for all the stakeholders of the system. Feedback system will improve the quality of the
We are developing mobile and web apps to maintain the data and communication effectively for the agri stakeholders. Our goal is to solve the problems that farmers are currently facing by providing full stack agri services.
Visit: https://www.oxagry.com/en
We identify the needs of an individual farmers & various problems in the agricultural industry and implement the integrated solution using the latest software technologies and makes the agri industry as an organized sector.
Our digital platform can be accessed via various channels including the mobile & web apps, contact centers and call centers. So even uneducated farmers also get access to our software platform easily. An accurate GPS tracking and fencing system is going to be implemented in our platform. History of transactions will be maintained for all the stakeholders of the system. Feedback system will improve the quality of the
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services.We are developing mobile and web apps to maintain the data and communication effectively for the agri stakeholders. Our goal is to solve the problems that farmers are currently facing by providing full stack agri services.
Visit: https://www.oxagry.com/en
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