SHREE KAILASH YATRA - Ahmedabad, India

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Shree Kailash Yatra, B-6, Gokul Complex, Opp. Nagri Hospital, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad - 380006., Gujarat, India
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Company description
Shree Kailash Yatra is a tour company in India that specializes in religious tours based on the Hindu and Indian culture. The company was founded out of a deep passion by the directors to let people return to spirituality through meditation and making of spiritual journeys in India and Nepal and especially the Himalayas mountains and landscapes that serve to rejuvenate body and soul.
The company endeavors to educate many people on the presence and importance of the holy places on the higher areas of the Himalayas where one can visit and learn about Hindu faith as well as meditate without interference and noise from the ever busy city life.

Along with the spiritual nourishment, the visitors are exposed to great adventure opportunities such as hiking , trekking and enjoying nature  
Show more in a very close and personal way that gets you refreshed and able to start over again.

The company has now gained a worldwide reputation on their amazing yatra, with people coming from all over the world to participate in the spiritual healing journey and to refresh their soul and mind. With the direction of the highly experienced management, we have become the tour company in India and Nepal of choice. We have helped and continue to help many people reach the soul stirring natural sceneries of the mountains as well as reach the monasteries , while savoring the beautiful mountain scenery with great peace of mind. Some of our packages include;

Kailash Mansarovar Yatra

This is among the main spiritual journeys that we offer to our clients. The mount Kailas is a breathtaking mountain on the south west side of the Himalayas in Tibet. The kailash Mansarovar yatra is a spiritual journey that has been taken by many people seeking a new start in their spiritual life. The mountain is also located near the lake Mansarovar and Lake Rakshastal and this area is the source of some of the longest rivers in the Asian continent. Some religions refer the Kailash as the precious snow mountain and for the Hindus we have always known it to be the home of the mountain god Shiva as well as the symbol of his power. We have tailored this yatra to be relaxing and enjoyable as you connect with your spiritual being.

Chardham Yatra

We have also offered the char dham yatra which is at the epicenter of religious activity in northern India. We undertake this yatra starting from the west towards the east starting with the Yamunotri yatra, to Gantori, to kedarnath yatra to badrinath yatra. The first two are dedicated to the goddesses Yamuna and Ganga while the kerdanath is to lord shiva and badrinath to God Vishnu. This journey to the four sacred shrines forms the char dham package.

Listed in categories
Tour OperatorsTranslation ServicesTravel AgentsSightseeing
Kailash Mount yatra
Vaishnodevi yatra packages
chardham Packages
Best tour company of india
Amarnath yatra packages

Products & Services 3

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    Vaishnodevi Yatra
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