Balaji Agencies Private Limited - India
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Balaji Agencies Private Limited
KF-91, Kavi Nagar, Ghaziabad- 201002, Uttar Pradesh, India
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11-15Company description
Balaji Agencies Private Limited is an ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Company incorporated under companies act, registered with MSME and Channel partner for MNRE (Ministry of New and Renewable Energy) Balaji Agencies is into Design, Engineering, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Solar Plant ( Both ON and OFF Grid) and Solar Power Plant. Balaji in Solar is a fully comprehensive Turnkey EPC solutions provider. We deploy world-class technology to design, install and commission benchmark solar projects. India with a focus on developing Solar as sustainable energy alternative India. Our energy solutions are viable both in the near term and over the longer term providing maximum energy as well as financial incentives for our customers. As prime contractor for high quality engineering,
Balaji strongly believes in the sun's potential to significantly address the problems associated with power obtained from non-renewable sources of energy. It is with this passion that we aim to work and provide solar solutions to our customers. Quality has always been of utmost priority for Balaji, and with this drive we challenge ourselves to provide the same in the most cost effective manner. Balaji Agencies takes on charge and commitment towards development of eco-friendly technologies with innovative and futuristic energy solution. We, at Balaji Agencies, recognize the importance of every step taken towards to building a greener and safer future. By harnessing the inexhaustible energy of the sun, Balaji Agencies offers efficient and advanced solutions for energy requirements for today and tomorrow and is an instrumental player for govt. as well as private solar projects
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procurement and construction we lay special emphasis on on-time, on-budget delivery 'of utility scale solar power plants optimized to provide reliable long-term system output for owners.Balaji strongly believes in the sun's potential to significantly address the problems associated with power obtained from non-renewable sources of energy. It is with this passion that we aim to work and provide solar solutions to our customers. Quality has always been of utmost priority for Balaji, and with this drive we challenge ourselves to provide the same in the most cost effective manner. Balaji Agencies takes on charge and commitment towards development of eco-friendly technologies with innovative and futuristic energy solution. We, at Balaji Agencies, recognize the importance of every step taken towards to building a greener and safer future. By harnessing the inexhaustible energy of the sun, Balaji Agencies offers efficient and advanced solutions for energy requirements for today and tomorrow and is an instrumental player for govt. as well as private solar projects
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Products & Services 2
- Grid Connect Installation ServicesOwing to our enriched industrial experiences, we are devoted...
- Solar Panels ServicesTo meet the variegated requirements of our clients, we are o...
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