Vivek Associates - India
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With Us
Company name
Vivek Associates
No. 156, Rasappa Chetty Street, Park Town (Opp. Kandaswamy Temple-Middle Shop),, Chennai - 600003 , Tamil Nadu , India
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Suresh Babu(Proprietor)E-mail address
Company description
Vivek Associates has earned a sustainable position in market by displaying immense hard work and honesty. We are a Sole Proprietorship firm which got established in the year 2005 in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. We are engaged into Wholesaling, Trading, Retailing of Swing Fitting and Accessories. Our Product range include Brass Luxurious Chain, Brass Jhula Rod and Wooden Swing. The availability of highly reliable range of products with us is a result of our excellent relations with top vendors of the market. We ensure to cherry pick our vendors as we are aware about our business operations are highly dependent upon them and any wrong step would certainly have an adverse effect on our entire business. The products are highly efficient in their usage and are cherished for their various qualities.
The major reason behind our unprecedented success in market has been our robust infrastructure which is giving us an edge over our other competitors in the market. We strongly believe to achieve anything formidable in business organized mechanism is inevitable and working on the same principle we have been continuously moving towards the path of success without any hassle. Our procurement department has best of professionals who have a very good understanding of market and make no errors in judging things. Similarly people engaged in other units like admin, warehousing, quality, customer care are highly trustworthy. Our major success in business has come owing to the unflinching support that we continuously receive from them. Client’s satisfaction undoubtedly has many advantages and any business can be assured of success in market if it can ensure the same. Our policies are well defined and are made after sincere efforts put by management and every aspect of the same is directed towards contentment of clients.
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The manufacturers engaged in development of the range understand the utility well and show no reluctance on their part in ensuring only best reaches the clients.The major reason behind our unprecedented success in market has been our robust infrastructure which is giving us an edge over our other competitors in the market. We strongly believe to achieve anything formidable in business organized mechanism is inevitable and working on the same principle we have been continuously moving towards the path of success without any hassle. Our procurement department has best of professionals who have a very good understanding of market and make no errors in judging things. Similarly people engaged in other units like admin, warehousing, quality, customer care are highly trustworthy. Our major success in business has come owing to the unflinching support that we continuously receive from them. Client’s satisfaction undoubtedly has many advantages and any business can be assured of success in market if it can ensure the same. Our policies are well defined and are made after sincere efforts put by management and every aspect of the same is directed towards contentment of clients.
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