Tripunj Enterprises - India
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Tripunj Enterprises
E-203d, Roop Nagar, Badarpur, Ishmailpur Wine Shop, Delhi- 110044, India
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Anil Kumar (Manager)Establishment year
26-50E-mail address
Company description
Tripunj Enterprises began its venture in 2012 in Delhi, as a benchmark manufacturer, supplier and wholesaler of unmatched collection of School and Corporate Uniforms. In order to differentiate from others in the garment industry, we have developed our image of single destination for receiving personalized uniforms for each industry. The whole range of uniforms is designed and fabricated by the skilled artisans and other professionals while keeping in mind relevant requirements and specifications confirming to each industry like hotel, education, security, hospital and corporate and more. Thus, our organization is committed to be far more than a simply uniform provider but a reliable partner in each industry to help customers in making a better environment at their place. Presently, we
Blessed with state of the art infrastructure facility equipped with advanced sewing machines and tools, we are able to provide outfit our custom range of apparels as per the size of every customer. To do this, we have team of skilled professionals who are familiar with each industry we serve. They are expert in designing and fabricating various uniforms with given specifications and fittings. Our expertise and industrial competency are the factors which set us apart from others. We keep ourselves affirmed on our commitment to provide high quality and personalized touch of specific industry to each category of dress. Besides, we use standard quality and skin-friendly fabric to fabricate offered range of uniform which confirms to industrial standards and prevailing market trends. Apart from this, these products are marketed through large distribution network consisting of dealers and other agencies that help us in making our presence across various industries.
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draw our clients from wide spectrum of business sectors to prosper and achieve newer heights in the business.Blessed with state of the art infrastructure facility equipped with advanced sewing machines and tools, we are able to provide outfit our custom range of apparels as per the size of every customer. To do this, we have team of skilled professionals who are familiar with each industry we serve. They are expert in designing and fabricating various uniforms with given specifications and fittings. Our expertise and industrial competency are the factors which set us apart from others. We keep ourselves affirmed on our commitment to provide high quality and personalized touch of specific industry to each category of dress. Besides, we use standard quality and skin-friendly fabric to fabricate offered range of uniform which confirms to industrial standards and prevailing market trends. Apart from this, these products are marketed through large distribution network consisting of dealers and other agencies that help us in making our presence across various industries.
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