Ignite Electronics - India

Ignite Electronics
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  • +9Years
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Company name
Ignite Electronics
Office- G-310, Sector 63, Ist Floor Noida - 201301, Uttar Pradesh, India
Company manager Arvind Chandela (Director)
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Company description
Ignite Electronics is an emerging Manufacturer and Supplier entity that has been developing value for money Light Bulbs since its inception in the year 2005. Our functional practices results in a broadened product portfolio of energy saver products, such as CFL Light, LED Bulb, and LED Street Light. Our aim to build a relationship of firm trust with a coveted list of clientele is underpinned by the quality products we offer, which are high in demand due its superior performance, energy efficiency, light weight design, ease of installation and durable service life. Since we put the interest of our client ahead of ours, we have been reckoned as a trusted business entity amongst a huge clientele.

Our company was founded with the core belief to guard energy resources, and to do this we are  
Show more involved with full fledged dedication to develop power saving product designs. Besides, we are backed with the expertise and experience of a diligent workforce who express their diligence in the finished product. Further, our engagement with clients’ expectations is strengthened by our state of art infrastructure where we optimize our potential by leveraging cutting edge manufacturing technology. Apart from this, our efficient performance and client centric approach is driving us towards a nurtured growth where we have established long term relationships with a huge clientele.


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