The jewel of noida - India
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The jewel of noida
Noida sector-75, Uttar Pradesh 201301, India
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Mr. DeepakEstablishment year
4001-5000E-mail address
Company description
Welcome to Dasnac The Jewel Of Noida Sector-75
A large number of people move to Noida each day. They move to Noida in search of good job, home and lifestyle. Since a large number of corporates have set up offices in Noida, the economy has improved greatly. People are in search of good homes that offer them all the luxuries and comforts of life. Dasnac the jewel of Noida provides world-class luxury housing to the residents. Total area is more than 5 acres, to provide large open spaces, walking areas and comfort to the residents. The surrounding areas are clean and green, to ensure a healthy living. The architectural expertise used is top-class and matches international standards. It’s a perfect mix of comfort, technique and innovation. It has 24-hour water and electricity supply and
A large number of people move to Noida each day. They move to Noida in search of good job, home and lifestyle. Since a large number of corporates have set up offices in Noida, the economy has improved greatly. People are in search of good homes that offer them all the luxuries and comforts of life. Dasnac the jewel of Noida provides world-class luxury housing to the residents. Total area is more than 5 acres, to provide large open spaces, walking areas and comfort to the residents. The surrounding areas are clean and green, to ensure a healthy living. The architectural expertise used is top-class and matches international standards. It’s a perfect mix of comfort, technique and innovation. It has 24-hour water and electricity supply and
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24-hour working lift. Dasnac the jewel of Noida ensures 100% safety to its residents. There is 24*7 CCTV monitoring of all lifts, passages and society. Monthly checks are performed on Gas pipelines, drainage pipes, electric wirings, etc. The owners can also ask the builder to personalize their homes to give it an innovative edge.Listed in categories
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