Pure Air Technologies - India
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Company name
Pure Air Technologies
No. 17/5, Absaheb Chinchwade Industrial Estate, Walhekarwadi Road, Near Ranmala Hotel Pune - 411033, Maharashtra, India
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Samuel Rangerji (Marketing Leader)E-mail address
Company description
Our organization, Pure Air Technologies was incepted in the year 1998 as manufacturer and supplier of the finest range of Air Purifiers. Our reputation preceded our consistency in delivering an extensible range of products including laminar Air Flow System, Air Curtain and Air Shower amongst others. Our organization has grown manifold due to our persistent efforts to achieve absolute client satisfaction. We make stringent efforts to provide our clients with only the best class of products that the industry has to offer. Our persistent effort to maintain absolute client satisfaction has given rise to a phenomenal rate of growth within the past decade and a half. Our products are assured to be functional and stable, to ensure high standards of quality and maximum client satisfaction. We
Our infrastructural stronghold is the backbone to our manufacturing expertise. Our unique range of products is housed within a large warehouse from where it is made ready to be shipped to the client. We have segregated various departments within our organization to help facilitate better work flow under the guidance of experienced team leaders, who maintain an organized chain of command for a smooth flow of work. Each team has their own roles and responsibilities to aide in the manufacturing process. Every product of our make is passed through a quality assurance test, where a quality testing professional observes the finished products while testing them in isolated laboratory conditions. Only after we have ascertained a set level of quality, do we forward it to our clients. Our efforts lie in maintaining healthy business relationships with absolute transparency and we look forward to new associations to aide in the process of mutual growth.
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maintain consistency in communicating with the client to help serve them better and ensure long standing business relationships.Our infrastructural stronghold is the backbone to our manufacturing expertise. Our unique range of products is housed within a large warehouse from where it is made ready to be shipped to the client. We have segregated various departments within our organization to help facilitate better work flow under the guidance of experienced team leaders, who maintain an organized chain of command for a smooth flow of work. Each team has their own roles and responsibilities to aide in the manufacturing process. Every product of our make is passed through a quality assurance test, where a quality testing professional observes the finished products while testing them in isolated laboratory conditions. Only after we have ascertained a set level of quality, do we forward it to our clients. Our efforts lie in maintaining healthy business relationships with absolute transparency and we look forward to new associations to aide in the process of mutual growth.
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