Shreeji Enterprises - Mumbai, India

Shreeji Enterprises
Shreeji Enterprises
Shreeji Enterprises
Shreeji Enterprises
  • Verified
  • +11Years
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Shreeji Enterprises
B - 8, Karim Shaikh Compound, Near Vaishali Nagar Last Bus Stop, Opp. Wagdevi Nagar, Dahisar East, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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Paresh Kawa
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Company description
We provide our clients with a vast array of sayona mcb distribution boxes/boards, G.I. Modular metal box, MCB box, modular box, junction box, all kinds of sheet metal boards, panel boards etc. That is widely used in housing complexes, industrial units, various buildings etc. These boxes are used for fitting electrical switches in various residential and commercial electrical fitting works. We are manufacturer of sayona distribution boxes /boards, distribution box, MCB distribution boxes, SPN MCB distribution box, TPN MCB distribution box, SPN distribution box, TPN distribution box, SPN double doors, TPN double doors, double door box, MCB double door box, White line 2tier MCB distribution box, white line box, distribution box, distribution boards, MCB distribution boards, SPN MCB  
Show more distribution boards, TPN MCB distribution boards, SPN distribution boards, TPN distribution boards, SPN double door board, TPN double doors board, double door board, MCB double door board, white line 2tier MCB distribution boards, white line boards, modular box, M.S modular conceal boxes, G.I. modular conceal boxes, M.S metal box, G.I. metal box, conceal boxes, metal conceal boxes, G.I. modular box, M.S modular box, G.I. Metal modular box, M.S. Metal modular box, M.S metal box zinc plated, 1 way box, 2 way MCB box, MCB box, A.C. Box, G.I. Junction box, junction box, letter box, conceal modular boxes, electrical boxes, electrical concealed boxes, electrical switch boxes, electrical surface boxes, electrical enclosures, metal boxes, 4 way MCB box, junction box powder coated, junction box spray hamaton colour, MCB DB's boxes, circuit breaker box, DB boxes, SPN boxes, TPN boxes, white line box, pole box, control panel, power distribution box, T.V splitter box, tel krone (DP) box.
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