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Company name
F-34 Gururaj 2, Lane 10, Dahanukar Colony, Kothrud, , Pune, Maharashtra, India
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Working hours
- Monday: 9-9
- Tuesday: 9-9
- Wednesday: 9-9
- Thursday: 9-9
- Friday: 9-9
- Saturday: 9-9
- Sunday: 9-9
Company manager
UdayEstablishment year
1-5E-mail address
Company description
Topaz Tours and Travels (TTnT) has its main aim to take people to the places where they only dreamed of, to go. TTnT is a company making dream Tours & Travel true.
TTnT is not a BIG profit oriented Travel company. The main aim of TTnT is organise tour in low cost. The cost of present tours by TTnT, were charged, something like 10-15 years’ back, and are only dreams now for the common man. This is just like BACK TO THE FUTURE. TTnT make common man’s dreams true through their low cost tours.
Everybody wish to go to a long trip in his / her life every few months or at least once a year. But it is not possible just because of high inflation and exhorbitant margins or profits charged by tours & travel companies.
TTnT gives you the same package as given by those companies offer,
All this is possible because of the experience of TTnT organisor who are experienced people in this field. So visit the office and book your dream tour today to avoid rush in the season & to get lowest possible prices of the tour.
TTnT is not a BIG profit oriented Travel company. The main aim of TTnT is organise tour in low cost. The cost of present tours by TTnT, were charged, something like 10-15 years’ back, and are only dreams now for the common man. This is just like BACK TO THE FUTURE. TTnT make common man’s dreams true through their low cost tours.
Everybody wish to go to a long trip in his / her life every few months or at least once a year. But it is not possible just because of high inflation and exhorbitant margins or profits charged by tours & travel companies.
TTnT gives you the same package as given by those companies offer,
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including the same hotels and the same travel. No compromise on anything but the cost. TTnT will always give you the best choice of hotels & travels, which will be suitable for families to live in after a full days package of site-seeing and bus / taxies are comfortable to travel in.All this is possible because of the experience of TTnT organisor who are experienced people in this field. So visit the office and book your dream tour today to avoid rush in the season & to get lowest possible prices of the tour.
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