Goa Medical Tours - Margao, India
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Goa Medical Tours
Office No. s11,Fatima Chambers,Near ICICI Bank,Margao Goa, India
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Company description
India’s turning out to be a top destination for patient and travellers worldwide with its state of the art World Class Hospitals and Highly qualified UK-US trained doctors and India will soon transform into the Worldwide Medical Destination.
We at Goa Medical Tours have entered into a partnership with Leading World Class,State of the Artmulti-specialty tertiary care hospitals focusing on super specialties- Cardiac Sciences, Cosmetology, Neuro Sciences, Oncology, Orthopaedic and joint replacements, Minimally Invasive Surgeries, Renal Sciences and gastroenterology (medical and surgical),Bariatic Surgary,Dental Sciencesbesides the complete range of allied medical disciplines which include Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Pulmonology, Paediatrics and Obstetrics & Gynaecology to name a
Our resources are dedicated to provide our Clients with facilities vis-à-vis travel, Medical Visa assistance,Complete Medical facilitation, , Professional logistics,translator services coupled with Complete coordination and Management right from the time the Traveller lands in Goa till Departure with a Doctor and Case Manager exclusively dedicated to each Traveller.
The team strive to meet the patients’ expectations by providing the latest Techniques and International facilities all in a Soothing Holiday Atmosphere.
We and our Affiliate Hospitals are based in Goa,the Ultimate Holiday Destination of the World where the Fun never sets.
We have a Representative base in the UK too.
Our Allied multispecialty hospitals are planned with international quality specifications and equipped with state- of-the-art equipment for all specialties.
Goa Medical Tours brings in highly experienced & talented team of senior consultants & doctors and a full team of paramedical staff with cutting-edge technology and excellent working environment that ensures the availability and access to the best medical talent round-the-clock.
Advanced facilities are matched by an abiding concern to treat patients with empathy and care. The nursing faculty is committed to provide patients with quality nursing care in a professional and compassionate manner. Adequate nurse to patient ratio ensures that each patient get individual attention.
Our Partner Hospitals serve a large number ofInternational patients every year.
Our Approach
Our Network Hospitals provide unmatched quality of healthcare services and leaves no stone unturned in perfecting ever enhancing patient centric care.
In compliance with the our ethos, we offer professional yet compassionate medical care and are strongly committed to the vision of the organization. Recognizing the need to be compassionate and respectful towards our patients, we continue to combine high quality medical care with a warm human touch at the most affordable prices.
We at Goa Medical Tours have entered into a partnership with Leading World Class,State of the Artmulti-specialty tertiary care hospitals focusing on super specialties- Cardiac Sciences, Cosmetology, Neuro Sciences, Oncology, Orthopaedic and joint replacements, Minimally Invasive Surgeries, Renal Sciences and gastroenterology (medical and surgical),Bariatic Surgary,Dental Sciencesbesides the complete range of allied medical disciplines which include Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Pulmonology, Paediatrics and Obstetrics & Gynaecology to name a
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few.Our resources are dedicated to provide our Clients with facilities vis-à-vis travel, Medical Visa assistance,Complete Medical facilitation, , Professional logistics,translator services coupled with Complete coordination and Management right from the time the Traveller lands in Goa till Departure with a Doctor and Case Manager exclusively dedicated to each Traveller.
The team strive to meet the patients’ expectations by providing the latest Techniques and International facilities all in a Soothing Holiday Atmosphere.
We and our Affiliate Hospitals are based in Goa,the Ultimate Holiday Destination of the World where the Fun never sets.
We have a Representative base in the UK too.
Our Allied multispecialty hospitals are planned with international quality specifications and equipped with state- of-the-art equipment for all specialties.
Goa Medical Tours brings in highly experienced & talented team of senior consultants & doctors and a full team of paramedical staff with cutting-edge technology and excellent working environment that ensures the availability and access to the best medical talent round-the-clock.
Advanced facilities are matched by an abiding concern to treat patients with empathy and care. The nursing faculty is committed to provide patients with quality nursing care in a professional and compassionate manner. Adequate nurse to patient ratio ensures that each patient get individual attention.
Our Partner Hospitals serve a large number ofInternational patients every year.
Our Approach
Our Network Hospitals provide unmatched quality of healthcare services and leaves no stone unturned in perfecting ever enhancing patient centric care.
In compliance with the our ethos, we offer professional yet compassionate medical care and are strongly committed to the vision of the organization. Recognizing the need to be compassionate and respectful towards our patients, we continue to combine high quality medical care with a warm human touch at the most affordable prices.
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