Rajan Tubes & Poles Mfg Co - Mumbai, India

Company name
Rajan Tubes & Poles Mfg Co
Kurla and Shahpur Thane, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Company description
Company Profile We would like to introduce you to our company, which has been in the forefront in the field of Outdoor Lighting and Transmission line for more than five decades. RTP, a company which has its command in the requisite manpower, talent, resources and decades of valuable know how for manufacturing to Indian and International Standards. You will find our smart looking Lighting Poles lighting the way on highways, Main streets and small suburban lanes. They are equally suitable for illuminating new projects – sports complex, parks, petrol pumps, residential colonies and even airports. A modern and well-equipped factory situated at Navi Mumbai (New Bombay) STP supplies its poles to government and semi-government bodies like state electricity boards, municipalities, cantonment  
Show more boards, defence projects, and many private, multi nationals and public sector throughout the country. Our factory is well equipped with latest machineries and testing facilities and is always manned by skilled personnel. The distinguish feature of our company is that it puts quality on a pedestal and then ensure it never falls of it. The quality is assured at very start by choosing the right raw material, H.D.W/ E.R.W. steel tubes of finest international quality checks. Then the process of manufacturing itself is by the modern ‘Cold Process’ method instead of a ‘Can do’ yesterday technology that was manual process. We have carved a niche as one of the foremost Steel Tubular Poles Manufacturers and Suppliers from India. Year of Establishment: 1956 Primary Business Type: Manufacturer & Supplier. Products STP has acquired specialization in the arena of manufacturing Steel Tubular Poles, decorative Lighting Poles, High Mast Poles, Solar Lighting System, CCTV Camera Poles. We are also dealing in Pole accessories like Brackets and FRP Junction Box. The products are appreciated for special features such as high performance, easy installation and maximum durability. The array of products offered by us is utilized in electricity dept. board, municipal corporations, PWD’S, Infrastructure companies, electrical contractors etc. Steel tubular swaged welded poles and stepped poles – (M.S. / G.I. / HDGI) For L.T. / H.T. Power transmission lines and Street lightings confirming to Indian standard 2713/80 and as per your enquiry/drawings. Fancy / Decorative poles for garden lighting and street lighting (Cast Iron / M.S / G.I.) High Mast poles for area lighting / stadium lighting. FRP Junction box / Inbuilt Junction box for above poles. Hot Dip Galvanizing, Powder Coating, Zinc Spray, Sand Blasting, PU Painting process, Normal Painting (Aluminium, epoxy, zinc chromate, protectomestic, rubber, etc) for above poles. Bend, bracket, cross arms for the above poles / Fancy brackets (M.S. / G.I. / HDGI) Base plate, cap, collar, sleeve, nut bolt, foundation bolts, cable entry pipe and other accessories for the above poles Why Us? We are one of the top class names in the market because of the following reasons: • Qualitative range • State of the art infrastructure • Easy payment mode • Customization • Competitive prices • Timely delivery • Wide distribution network We can be Contacted on 9821351198 9821881198 9870088817 022 25044786
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