Mohd. Maqbool Mohd. Hussain - Srinagar, India

Company name
Mohd. Maqbool Mohd. Hussain
Madin Sahib, Hawal, Srinagar, India
Company description
M/s. Mohd Maqbool Mohd Hussain is a company which manufacturers and exports a variety of Kashmiri Handicrafts. Some of the products that the company manufactures and exports include; Papier-Mache, Shawls, Chain stitch, Crewel, Suede Bags, among other Kashmiri Handicrafts. Since M/s. Mohd Maqbool Mohd Hussain has been in this business for over 50 years, it has gained a very reputable image for the quality of its products and flawless service, not only in India but worldwide. We emphasize on creating high quality products which is backed by an experienced staff of designers, workers who give their 100% to create a craft of masterpiece. The hard work put into each and every product crafted by our talented craftsmen makes them unique and one of kind. Our success not only lays in the quality  
Show more of our products, but our greatly valued and of utmost importance customer relationships. We are dedicated to the complete satisfaction of our customers and want to provide the highest quality products at the best prices. We don’t compromise the premium quality of our products for price. The Company is run by a highly qualified and experienced team of professionals who have gained a lot of expertise and reputation over the years in this business We specialize in Christmas and Easter decorations (Balls, Bells, Stars, Santa) which are shipped in bulk to Europe, North America, and South America. We also manufacture Papier-Mache products such as Wall hangings, Photo-frames, Decorative Boxes, Easter Eggs, Letter Racks, Napkin Rings, Candle Stands, Pencil Cups, Coaster Sets, Bangles, etc. In addition we also export Shawls (Stols, Pashmina, Scarves, Silk-wool, etc.) which range from plain shawls to stylish, handmade shawls that have very intricate needle embroidery work. The company also produces a great variety of chainstich, crewel, Suede Bags and Kashmiri willow items like Baskets. We use technology to reach out to customers from the farthest corners of the world. Customers enquiries are answered promptly and the company’s website gives customers detailed information about each product. Customers can also use the enquiry form on contact page to enquire about a product. Equiry page had a very detailed format and the enquiries are directed to our experts who will reply to them in a short span of time. This form saves a lot of time for the visitors as they can send us a equiry about a product right from the website and not worry about sending email manually. The gallery contains pictures of each product in different designs and with dimensions. Our company also takes custom orders for Papier-Mache in Papier-Pulp or wood. Customers in the past who wanted to experiment with their products have chosen us over our competitors. We allow our customers the flexibility to send their designs and we bring them to life. The best feature of Papier-Mache products made from Papier-Pulp is that it is easier to mould products out of it than it might be if the same product is made from any other material. So at times importers have reached us with a product design and we crafted it for them with the expertise of our designers and workers.
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