Sasi International - Coimbatore, India
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Sasi International
5/4a, Chinna Vella Thottam, Mathapur Road, Kaniyur Post, Karumathampatti Via, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
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Sasi International is a leading exporter of Palm Leaf plates or Bio Plates. Pls find the attachment of product photos and price list of our products. Kindly note our products special features as below. Palm Leaf Plates or Bio plates are made from the shedded leaves of the Palm Tree. No trees are chopped or cut at any stage during the making process and only shedded palm leaves are used to make this product. It is easily disposable,economical and safest. Apart from being disposable, eco friendly and 100% bio degradable, these eco plates have many more notable features: Bio Plates are sturdy, leak proof and can withstand hot and cold temperatures, including baking food and microwave. Palm Leaf Plates do not conduct heat so they can be placed on one\'s lap without discomfort or concern Bio
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plates are strong enough to use with a knife and fork without risk of being punctured or leaked. Palm Leaf plates are a chemical free disposable product which is fully biodegradable in a short period of time. No chemicals, resins, strengthening agents or synthetic materials are used in the manufacturing process. The material does not react with the food and will not add any additional taste to food served All manner of wet foods can be served without the plate or bowl becoming soggy and losing its integrity and the Palm leaf plates can be washed and used again for a limited time depending on how they are used. Palm leaf plates are a economical replacement for thermocol, paper and plastics disposables. Palm leaf plates are available in round, rectangular, hexagonal, bowls and also custom shapes can be manufactured. We have a well established structure of organization.We have separate wings for merchandising,Communication,Quality assurance, Production, R&D,Sourcing and Documentation.So we can fulfil our customer\'s needs in apt manner.Listed in categories
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