Sibsankar Datta - Kolkata, India
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Sibsankar Datta
2, Bepin Ganguly Road, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
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We at SibsankarCreations are manufacturers of wooden handcrafted Wall Hangings for Home/Office Decorations, for gifting to individuals or for Corporate Gifting, as well. Established in 2008, SibsankarCreations specializes in producing wooden handcrafted Wall Hangings for those wishing to embellish their home interior with natural beauty or Transform an ordinary room with an enchanted look. Most of the items are made of wood and processed wood. The hand-made items are specially designed to create natural ambience at your house. Production capacity is 50 pieces per month. SibsankarCreations can also produce items based on customer’s choice. Our wall hangings Portrait are our own and exclusive creations, having no known resemblance with what is available across the marketplace. However our
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creations are with untiring devotion. Artisan\'s statement : WOODCRAFT CREATION IS MY CHILDHOOD PASSION. Since childhood I had a deep inclination towards creative arts. Thus all along my life time whilst I was serving in a Bank or while with any other activities at post-VRS stage I always use to reserve some time for deriving mental refreshment by doing some art & craft activities as a daily routine. Finally, I decided to follow my heart and fulfill my mind with creations of handmade wooden decorative with my own hands. As a fact, Creating art and craft items with the use of wood have fascinated me from my very childhood and as of now when I moved in it, this became a real passion. I began with designing of home interiors and manufacturing the required furniture with the help of carpenters and polishers & simultaneously started producing beautiful crafts for topping up the home decoration that I undertake. In fact my work embodies all the serendipity and the joy of the creations. I enjoy immense satisfaction whilst shaping and engraving wood and experience a great deal of satisfaction. Decorating Drawing/Dining or your living room with Wall Portrait is a simple, affordable way to brighten up any space in our home or office. Transform an ordinary room with an enchanted and spectacular look. The exclusive handmade wall hangings that we create are made with the primarily use good quality solid wood, teak veneer, sun mica sheet, MDF prelam board, natural leaves and trees, wood dust and varnish. Wherever needed we Frame the work with a fiberglass cover to protect the work from dust? Fiberglass covering is however optional. Our created items are of good durability, will remain for decades and do not need the sensitive care handling need. The wall hanging Portraits are our personal and exclusive creations, having no known resemblance with what is available across the marketplace. These are all our personal creation with the application of our creative mind. However the creations are with an untiring devotion. Several more Portraits of similar theme but of different look and sizes are in process. Anyone interested to procure a piece of my work with his or her customized likings and choice; may please contact. I’ll be happy to create one for them as desired. Rectangular wooden wall art is one of the most popular choices, and it is no wonder why. The options for decorating with stylish rectangular works of art are virtually endless. When shopping for rectangular wooden wall art, come back often to Woodcraft.1 to view the many options offered in our extensive category. We are continuously updating and adding stylish new items including contemporary works of rectangular wooden wall decorative hangings and much more.Listed in categories
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