M.S. Sankhla & Co., Advocates & Labour Law Advisors - Gurgaon, India
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M.S. Sankhla & Co., Advocates & Labour Law Advisors
167, BLOCK-C, DISTT. COURTS,, Gurgaon, Haryana, India
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Company description
Payroll: Process the Payroll ahead of time with accurate and timely payment of salary and wages and ensure deductions and record-keeping compliance of TDS and other provisions of Income tax laws.
Govt Payment: Advise and support in all Statutory payments such as EPF, ESI, PT and LWF.
Employees Support in availing the benefits under the various social security schemes such as EPF, ESI and LWF. Support in EPF withdrawal and transfers.
Registers, Records & Displays: Advise and support in maintaining all statutory Registers, Records and Displays of abstracts and notices as provided under the various labour laws such as Shops & Establishment, Factory Act, BOCW, EPF, ESI, LWF, PT, Minimum Wages, Payment of Wages, Gratuity, Bonus, Contract Labour, Employees
Returns: Advise and support in preparation, submission and maintaining all statutory Returns as provided under the various labour laws.
Registrations/Renewal: Advise and support in the matters of registration and renewal of all labour statutory registration such as factory licence, RC CLRA, Shops & Establishment Certificate, Labour Licence etc.
Inspections: Advise, support and liaise with the labour authorities for smooth inspection.
Preventive Audits: Labour law compliances assessment for the organisations and their vendors to avoid future non-compliances thereby avoiding penalties and damages
Opinions/advises: We provide opinions and advises for better implementation of labour laws such as Shops & Establishment, Factory Act, BOCW, EPF, ESI, LWF, PT, Minimum Wages, Payment of Wages, Gratuity, Bonus, Contract Labour, Employees Compensation, Equal Remuneration, Apprentice Acts, Maternity Benefits, Employment Exchange (CNV), Sexual Harassment of women at workplace etc.
Disciplinary process/domestic enquiries: We provide suggestions and support for better implementation of discipline in the organisation.
Govt Payment: Advise and support in all Statutory payments such as EPF, ESI, PT and LWF.
Employees Support in availing the benefits under the various social security schemes such as EPF, ESI and LWF. Support in EPF withdrawal and transfers.
Registers, Records & Displays: Advise and support in maintaining all statutory Registers, Records and Displays of abstracts and notices as provided under the various labour laws such as Shops & Establishment, Factory Act, BOCW, EPF, ESI, LWF, PT, Minimum Wages, Payment of Wages, Gratuity, Bonus, Contract Labour, Employees
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Compensation, Equal Remuneration, Apprentice Acts, Maternity Benefits, Employment Exchange (CNV), Sexual Harassment of women at workplace etc. Returns: Advise and support in preparation, submission and maintaining all statutory Returns as provided under the various labour laws.
Registrations/Renewal: Advise and support in the matters of registration and renewal of all labour statutory registration such as factory licence, RC CLRA, Shops & Establishment Certificate, Labour Licence etc.
Inspections: Advise, support and liaise with the labour authorities for smooth inspection.
Preventive Audits: Labour law compliances assessment for the organisations and their vendors to avoid future non-compliances thereby avoiding penalties and damages
Opinions/advises: We provide opinions and advises for better implementation of labour laws such as Shops & Establishment, Factory Act, BOCW, EPF, ESI, LWF, PT, Minimum Wages, Payment of Wages, Gratuity, Bonus, Contract Labour, Employees Compensation, Equal Remuneration, Apprentice Acts, Maternity Benefits, Employment Exchange (CNV), Sexual Harassment of women at workplace etc.
Disciplinary process/domestic enquiries: We provide suggestions and support for better implementation of discipline in the organisation.
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