Manpower Sourcing Of Kolkata - India

Company name
Manpower Sourcing Of Kolkata
493/B/18, G. T. Road (S)., Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Company description
We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our organization “MANPOWER SOURCING OF KOLKATA” and the services offered, to you. We are a value and process driven company. We focus on Outsourcing/ recruitment and human resource services. We are committed to offering people and people related services with the objective of enhancing the net worth of the human capital of organizations. We are in the business of providing organizations with full service of outsourcing solutions /recruiting to efficiently screen and select the most qualified candidates for their current job openings. . We have an established client base, which extends to over 45 companies. We are in the business of providing qualified candidates in various verticals like Telecom, IT, Retail, Banking, Financial  
Show more Services, Insurance, Hospitality, Aviation, Entertainment & Media etc. Outsourcing - Human Resource Services The Market is rapidly developing in folds. Efficiency and local requirement understanding remains the buzz of success in the potential but unexploited states. Selection of job matching candidates and utilizing their full potential is our expertise with an endeavor to provide total services and ensure Complete Customer Satisfaction. We are a team of professionals having more than average of 4 years of experience and exposure. Therefore, we have full insight of job requirements and market behavior, which we understand, is our biggest strength. Our offices are well equipped with all communication systems, data analysis programme, internet facility, adequate space etc to match the present business requirements and over all we fulfill all statutory requirements. Under present pretext, to derive maximum output, we exclusively concentrate on viability of the project along with periodic vertical and horizontal growth for the organizations we are dealing with. Specifically we undertake the responsibility and assist with our services in the areas as stated below:  Designing of full proof programme to cover all important and potential working spectrums.  Recruiting competent people from our own data base, as per design.  Appointing efficient channel system, if required.  Periodically monitoring the activities and forming relevant data for the company.  Timely reimbursement of all financial requirements of personnel and other promotional expenses.  Basic training, with help of the company, whenever required.  Assisting in organizing conferences / meetings as per the requirement. Above all we undertake the charge for timely completion of the objectives laid down. Outsourcing Service Charges Depends upon the position and number of outsource / depute requirement. OUR OUTSOURCING CLIENT- 1. ABP 2. BALA JI GROUP 3. RESHMI GROUP. 4.CITY MART. 5.DOMINOS PIZZA 6.MEGA SHOP. 7.MILLAN COLLECTION. 8.AROHAN PVT .LTD. 9.ESSEN TELECOM PVT.LTD. 10.BHUSAN STEEL 11.CITY STYLE 12.LOURDS TEXTILE. 13.MUKTI GROUP. 14.SALE MART. 15.SWILL PVT.LTD. 16.BADA BAZAAR. 17.RENUKA SUGARS MILLS PVT.LTD. 18.HDFC-LIFE 19.TARA NEWS. 20.SUMANGAL 21.MAX-MART 22.SOPPERS CITI. 23.D.C.EXPORTS. 24.AMUL. 25.MAXMART. STRENGTHS Head Hunting Search Specialists Industry Exposed Recruiters Payment Terms The Client shall pay 8.33% of Annual C.T.C (includes Basic salary and all allowances, inclusive of DA, CCA, HRA, all reimbursements & all retirement benefits [PF, Gratuity, Superannuation, etc. as mentioned in the offer letter, etc) for recruitment to each of the position mandated by the client. The final invoice will be raised on the day the offer is made to the candidate(s), and the same is due and payable within fifteen days of the date of the recruited candidate(s) joining the service of the Client. NOTE: Free replacement if candidates leave the job with in 90 days/termination will not be given free replacement. VALIDITY This Agreement shall come into force and effect from the date as mentioned below and shall remain in effect for a period of ----- year from such date. Any departure from the terms as specified in this contract for a new position will necessitate the drawing of a new contract for that new position IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by and through their duly authorized representatives as of the date written herein.
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