Devji Foods - Rajkot, India

Company name
Devji Foods
Ashutosh 4th Floor Jagnath Plot, Gymkhana Main Rd., Rajkot, Gujarat, India
Company description
We are leading manufacturer and exporter of khakhra which we promise to be crispy, healthy & tasty to our customers. Our enthusiasm in preparing and giving new varieties of khakhra according to our customers taste make our brand stand world wide. We are flavored by our customer due to our strict control over quality in terms of International Standards. We offer high grade khakhra which is consumed both as snacks and appetizers. The ingrained elements used in making khakhra are of superior grade and tastes like home made. Its crunchy attire and freshness remains intact due to its vacuum packing and is available in the respected types: - KOTHMIR MARCHA KHAKHRA - PLAIN ROASTED KHAKHRA - KASURI METHI KHAKHRA - PICNIC ZEERA KHAKHRA - MANGROLI MASALA KHAKHRA - LASANIA KHAKHRA Speciality of Our  
Show more Khakhra's - Its manufactured by machine or handmade product with dadima touch comes from its flavors. - As compared to other products its low in calorie so its more acceptable among health conscious people - 0% cholesterol and low saturated fat content makes its popular among our consumers. - Its zero sugar makes its desirous among diabetic patients - 100%veg khakhra makes its popular among our vegetarian consumers. - Ready to eat any time and crispy & crunchy in each biting - It has no added preservatives or flavours - Longer shelf life makes its easy to preserve for longer time. Export Packing, Indian Khakhra, ethnic quality Quality & Export Worthiness of our Khakhra's We strive hard in production, administration and other department to make it qualitative. Whether it is our Raw Material ,storing or accounts, we strive to give perfect training to the staff to give perfect output. Even we use mineral water for our khakhra's. And no Compromise is made on quality of products as staff is trained to the perfection level to make our product globally acceptable. Packaging in vacuum Packs to increase overall Shelf Life as well as maintaining Natural feel of the product. hygiene and health issues take the top most priority in our Quality Control efforts. We stress on healthy environment and cleanliness in our plant as we want our customers to get the best in every possible way . Our Indian touch, ethnic quality & export packing are our strengths. The products itself with the vacuum packing, ensure that even after 11 months, when you open the pack you get the same feel of the khakhra as at the time it was Manufactured. Crunchy Munchy time with Khakhra's - Khakhras are all time favourite snack it can be eaten in various combinations : - Can be combined with tea, coffee, milk during our breakfast. - Crispy bites are light to eat can have during snack time or in picnic. - Your kids can have it by putting cheese and ketchup on it to make tasty and favorites in your kids pack. - Can also prepare by putting onions, coriander leaves and chat masala on it to make it mouth watering dish. - Its famous among elders grandpa / grandma. - Khakhra can be even prepared as indian taco.


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