Sterling Impex, Mumbai - India
0.00 Reviews
Company name
Sterling Impex, Mumbai
199,E Helal building rear unit no 3&4 Dr mascarenhas road mazgaon , 400010, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Contact number
Mobile phone
Working hours
- Monday: 10.00am to 07.00pm
- Tuesday: 10.00am to 07.00pm
- Wednesday: 10.00am to 07.00pm
- Thursday: 10.00am to 07.00pm
- Friday: 10.00am to 07.00pm
- Saturday: 10.00am to 05.00pm
- Sunday: Holiday
Establishment year
16-25Registration code
17 08756VAT registration
27440791808 VE-mail address
Company description
We having factory of manufacture of scarves stoles and made ups at Mazgaon.
Our company has the team of 20 workers, and our production capacity 3000 pieces of scarves per day. If the situation requires we can increase the production up to 5000
pieces per day.
Our company follows the norm laid down by the European Union such as we do not employ child labors in our factory, workers are paid as per rule laid down by the labors
department, PF and ESIC.We also possess the factory license, Fire N.O.C. Structural Stability certificate, Approved factory plan etc.
Our factory was approved by the inspected and approved by representatives of Spanish company INDITEX situated in Gurgaon , Color of Benetton situated in Italy OTTO Germany.
Our company has the team of 20 workers, and our production capacity 3000 pieces of scarves per day. If the situation requires we can increase the production up to 5000
pieces per day.
Our company follows the norm laid down by the European Union such as we do not employ child labors in our factory, workers are paid as per rule laid down by the labors
department, PF and ESIC.We also possess the factory license, Fire N.O.C. Structural Stability certificate, Approved factory plan etc.
Our factory was approved by the inspected and approved by representatives of Spanish company INDITEX situated in Gurgaon , Color of Benetton situated in Italy OTTO Germany.
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