Red Sorghum Sudan grass Seed

Red Sorghum Sudan grass Seed
About the product
Scientific Name:- Sorghum Sudangrass Seed
Shape:- Spherical
Size:- 0.2 cm radius
Color: – Orange
Usage: – Germination (not for oil extraction)
Age: -Fresh(less than a year, good for germination)
Origin: – India

Details :
Botanical name : Sorghum-Sudan grass
Common Name : Sudan
English Name : Sorghum grass
Family : Fabaceae

Sorghum-Sudan grass hybrids offer a solution to producing forage dry matter when an emergency occurs. They are warm season grasses, unlike most of our forage species which are cool season grasses. Hybrids of Sorghum and Sudan grass are often used in Ontario. The resulting hybrid may favour either parent, so be sure to discuss what you want from the hybrid with your seed sales person. Sorghums are known for being drought resistant. They are more efficient in water absorption because they have twice as many secondary roots per unit of primary root as corn and have only half as much leaf area as corn for evaporation. Their water requirements are the same as corn but they have the ability to go dormant during extended drought periods. Growth will begin when the rains come.

The first cut will be ready for harvest about 60 days from planting. The plants should be over 65 cm (26 inches) in height, and just before head emergence when cut (usually early August). For a faster recovery of aftermath growth, leave at least 10 to 18 cm (4-7 inches) of stubble when harvesting. Optimum growth of these plants occurs under hot, moist conditions. A second cut should be ready 30-35 days later.

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