Inaaya Jaipur - India
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Inaaya Jaipur
50-51, Laxmi Nagar shopping centre,Hatwara Road, Jaipur, India
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Establishment year 2018
Employees 51-100
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Company description
Inaaya Jaipur is the brainchild of Seema Maini, a textile and fashion designer, having over three decades of experience in the fashion industry globally.
In a generation wherein, the concept of fashion is continuously changing, Inaaya Jaipur is our sincere attempt to offer everyday chic, handmade apparel for the women and men of today, who prefer comfortable & assured silhouettes and at the same time fashionable and trendy. Each Inaaya piece is crafted with the utmost care and love, keeping fine quality as the top most priority - a completely unique experience for you.
In a generation wherein, the concept of fashion is continuously changing, Inaaya Jaipur is our sincere attempt to offer everyday chic, handmade apparel for the women and men of today, who prefer comfortable & assured silhouettes and at the same time fashionable and trendy. Each Inaaya piece is crafted with the utmost care and love, keeping fine quality as the top most priority - a completely unique experience for you.
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