Shri Ram Engineers - Agra, India
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Shri Ram Engineers
205 Anand Vrindavan, Sanjay Place, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India
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A well known name in manufacturing and supplying plant & machinery since 20 years like sugar machineries (boiling house equpment list as follows... ) 1) Juice heater 2) Juice,syrup sulphitation units 3) lime slacker , lime classifier 4) machanical circulator for bach type vaccum pan with planetary gear box drive. 5) semi kestner & vapor cell 6) evaporator set upto 15000 TCD plants 7) vaccum pan with or without machanical circulator 8) air cooled , water cooled , vaccum crystalizer , vertical cooling crystalizer for B & C masscuit &seedcrystallizer 9) sugar melter 10) poly baffle type entrainment arrestor for evaporator body . semi kestner , vaccum pan . SUGAR HANDLING system 1) GRASS HOPPER , Elevator of belt / chain type 2) sugar bin system complete 3) sugar bag stacker, sugar bag
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conveyour truck loader BAGASSES HANDLING SYSTEM 1) Bagasses belt conveyour 2) Bagasses bailling press OTHER FABRICATION WORK 1) SS tanks & vessel ( as per drawing) 2) MS tanks & vessel any type & capacity 3) MS structure & colouums & stagging etc RICE MILL PLANTS 1) Para boiling plant in MS / SS for rice mill 2) Elevatorof belt type 3) MS/ SS storage tanks for paddey / rice 4) MS structure . 5) belt conveyour for rice , paddey Apart from this we also offer heavy fabrication &All our products are customized as per clients specifications. These products deliver long lasting performance at cost effective prices. VALUED CLIENTS 1. All UP Co-operative Sugar Factories 2. All Haryana Co-operativ Sugar Factories 3. All Utranchal Co-operative Sugar Factories 4. L.H. Sugar Factory Ltd. Pilibhit 5. Kissanveer Satara SSK. Ltd. Bhunj (Mah) 6. Shri Gonda SSK.Ltd. Shri Gonda (Mah) 7. Rana Sugar 8. Kanoria Sugar & Industries Ltd. Kaptanganj 9. Parle Biscuits (P) Ltd. 10. Bajaj Hindustan Ltd. Gola 11. Wahid Sandhar Sugar Ltd. Phagwara 12. Spray Engineering Devices Ltd. Mohali 13. S.S. Engineers Poona 14. Shri Jee Proceess Engineering Works Ltd. 15. Sant Lal Industries, Mainpuri 16. walchand nagar indrusties LTD pune Our factory address - E 54 side C UPSIDC industrial area sikandra , agra (UP)Listed in categories
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