MYenvybox Luxury Beauty Box - 3 Months (Dec)

MYenvybox Luxury Beauty Box - 3 Months (Dec)
About the product
3 Months
Get 4-5 trial sized beauty products (typically 2ml-10ml)from the top international luxury and prestige brands delivered to your door step every month
Get Rs. 557 (25%) worth of ENVY points to redeem in our store
Free Shipping
All products are sourced from brands and authorized distributors in India
Access to special deals
Get an Envy Box each month for 3 months
ENVY BOXES start shipping 12-14th every month
Note: Products seen on Ads/Web Banners/Social media are representative. My Envy Box does not guarantee any specific product to be present in any month's Luxury Beauty Box
Rs. 2,250.00
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