Bladeless Lasik

Bladeless Lasik
About the product
Bladeless Lasik Surgery

The refractive suit comprises of twin refractive lasers, a 500 Hz excimer laser and 200 FS femtosecond laser coupled on a single platform. The refractive suit is the best refractive unit presently available and being the fastest laser it corrects – 1.0 D Number in 1.6 seconds plus a bladeless flap gives safety and precision in flap making.


Lasik is a surgical procedure that uses a cool (non thermal) beam of light to gently reshape the cornea. The goal of any laser vision correction procedure is to reshape the cornea so that it does a better job of focusing images onto the retina. In this procedure mechanical instrument called the Microkeratome is used to make horizontal cut on the cornea to fashion a hinged flap. The flap is then lifted and the reshaping with the laser is carried out. The flap is replaced back on the corneal bed, where it sticks to the reshaped cornea.
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